In his eyes is the mark of time almost infinite
skin and veins and his tired limbs
reflect the struggle of disappointing years
strained heart has long borne the weight
of love and love lost and love remembered.
Sweet rot of breath fogs mirror
staring back this not real reality
a face hardly recognized until
a smile or play grimace reveals
filled teeth or a dried tear beside one eye
inconvenient hair misarranged
too thin on top, too think in funny places.
Humor in the face of the macabre.
It’s something in the blood
old relatives mocked death before their departure,
something in this soupy blood
his body makes from a recipe inherited.
In the movie the dark fog descends from the sky
old testament god’s revenge upon Egyptian innocents,
slowly slithering through narrow adobe warrens
seeping through cracks of doors unadorned with the sacrifice
mercilessly taking the life of the first born.
Is there such an insidious agent that acts
like this genocide on an individual’s body,
fractal-like in its mimicry of social destruction
wreaking havoc and self-immolation on living cells?
A life is this long long collection
of memory and experience
as ancient as childhood, as new as now
the next day begins
desire as yet unrealized
ambition as yet unattained.
What a laugh, to dream of driving fate.
Hubris to order the human trajectory.
Folly to interpret the memoir
while the ticking can be heard
deep below the din of days.
The fuse though unseen
has already received the spark.
The ticking can surely be heard
if he listens carefully and knows what he hears.
Curse or redemption of genetic transference ,
contained in this inherited blood.
Bad news this visit to the doctor.
He now knows how he will die.
Dreading this outcome, feared for years.
He will pass the way of this father’s family.
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